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The ROOTS team

Who's who at ROOTS

ROOTS for Churches Ltd is a charitable company, and publishes ROOTS Adult & All Age and ROOTS Children & Young People resources in print and online.

  • Our registered office address is 86 Tavistock Place, London WC1H 9RT
  • Registered Charity No. 1097466
  • Registered Company No. 4346069.


The ROOTS team

The ROOTS team is responsible for:

  • implementing the vision and direction of the ROOTS resources
  • the day-to-day work on planning, commissioning and producing the resources.

In so doing, we work closely with:

  • our contributors – experienced ordained and lay practitioners from across the denominations and traditions
  • our Trustees – our ecumenical partners, with whom we meet regularly to discuss the overall direction of the resources.

Read more about the ROOTS writing process.


Team members


Melanie Cave, Managing Director


Melanie joins ROOTS from Sweet Cherry Publishing, and brings a breadth of experience in publishing, business development and reaching new markets, as well as operations, working with internal and external stakeholders, team building and support. In her new role, Melanie will draw on her experience as a leader in her local church, where she has variously served leading a congregation, and as Worship & Pastoral Lead and Children & Families Lead.


Martin Adams, Editor, ROOTS Adult & All Age


Martin Adams became Editor of ROOTS Adult & All Age in 2015. Originally an electronic engineer, he worked as a writer and trainer in the computer industry until, in 1990, he was ordained into the Church of England. He worked in theological education for ten years, tutoring in worship and preaching, before joining ROOTS. He lives near Cromer in Norfolk, and attends Anglican and Methodist churches in his local area.


Pam Elliott, Editor, ROOTS Children & Young People

Pam Elliot, CY editor  

Pam Elliott joined us as Children and Youth Editor in September 2021. She previously managed the Education Department at Manchester Cathedral for 14 years, providing creative learning and worship activities for children, young people and families. Prior to that Pam was Head of Religious Studies and led collective worship at a secondary school in Hertfordshire. Pam lives in the Peak District where she has enjoyed using the ROOTS materials with her Anglican church community. 


Kate Mennell, Production Editor


Kate became Production Editor of ROOTS in June 2010. She previously worked for 18 years in non-fiction book publishing, editing reference books and Early Years Foundation Stage teaching resources. She manages freelance contributors and co-ordinates the workflow of ROOTS’ magazines, from manuscript to printed product.


Ailsa Bailey, Website Editor


Ailsa joined ROOTS in January 2013 having previously worked in STM (science, technical and medical) publishing for many years. She is a member of a Baptist church in Bristol where she is involved in worship and children’s work.


Tracy Somorjay, Marketing Officer


Tracy Somorjay has worked as a freelancer with ROOTS since 2011, joining the staff team in 2021. Prior to working in publishing that serves churches, she spent 10 years with a leading schools publisher. She attends an Anglican church in London where she wears many hats, including Safeguarding Officer, Sunday School leader, toddler group volunteer and midweek Bible study leader. 


Leah Bell, Administrator


Leah joined the ROOTS team in October 2021, bringing a range of skills to her role - both from her work in various administrative roles in Higher Education, and as Assistant Co-ordinator of a night shelter through a Christian charity. Leah has a BA(hons) in Theology and an MA in Mission from Cliff College, and says 'I am looking forward to playing my part in helping ROOTS equip, resource, enrich and support the body of Christ.' Leah lives in Portsmouth and enjoys creating art in her spare time.

General information and website help
020 3887 8916
Roots for Churches Ltd
86 Tavistock Place
Registered Charity No. 1097466. Registered Company No. 04346069. Registered in England.
Subscription services
020 3887 8916
Roots for Churches Ltd
Unit 12, Branbridges Industrial Estate,
East Peckham TN12 5HF
Stay in touch
The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
© Copyright 2002-2023, ROOTS for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 2040-4832 and 2635-280X; Online ISSN: 2635-2818. Registered Charity Number: 1097466. Registered Company Number: 04346069. Registered in England.
This resource is taken from and is copyright © 2002-2024 ROOTS for Churches.