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Resources for all ages together


ROOTS Adult & All Age resources help you to plan and prepare gatherings that genuinely engage everyone - whatever their age. 


Our resources are carefully designed to help you engage everyone in your congregation or group - whether you're meeting in person or online.

Rather than categorising resources by age, we draw on David Csinos' research into spiritual styles: different ways in which people experience God. Offering a wide variety of activities across a range of styles can help you to engage everyone.


New from January 2021: you can use our ready-to-go service outline – ideal for leaders with less confidence or time. You'll find it online:


View sample outline: all-age act of worship


Alternatively, you can put together your own journey through the weekly resources, using this flexible ‘menu’:

See a sample week now


Helping you plan virtual gatherings

Preparing engaging gatherings can be even more of a challenge through a computer screen. Yet ROOTS resources are extremely flexible, so that you can use them in person and online.

To help you see just adaptable ROOTS resources are to online services and sessions, see this guidance for one week in March 2021.  



 View a sample week    

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Unit 12, Branbridges Industrial Estate,
East Peckham TN12 5HF
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The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
© Copyright 2002-2023, ROOTS for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 2040-4832 and 2635-280X; Online ISSN: 2635-2818. Registered Charity Number: 1097466. Registered Company Number: 04346069. Registered in England.
This resource is taken from and is copyright © 2002-2024 ROOTS for Churches.