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New weekly lectionary materials for today’s Church


What are ROOTS resources?

  • Brand new materials that help you explore the Bible every week
  • Online seasonal resources
  • A rich online bank of everything we've ever published, enabling you to find materials by Bible reference, lectionary week, or keyword.

Subscribe to Adult & All Age resources, Children & Youth resources - or both! Read more





Inspire your planning and preparation

Need resources that you can just pick up and use? Or do you want something to spark your own ideas? ROOTS can support you, however much (or little) time or confidence you have.

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Present the Bible in fresh ways

Every week, ROOTS offers you innovative ways to introduce the Bible - in ways that will resonate with your audience, and that will deepen their engagement and understanding.

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Engaging ideas to explore the Bible

Help people connect the Bible to their lives today - whether they're toddlers or teens, children or adults. ROOTS helps you engage everyone: through talks, sermons, discussion, worship activities, craft, images, music and play.

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A rich source of prayer material

Each week ROOTS offers a selection of brand new prayers, all linked to the focus Bible passage(s). Carefully-crafted prayer activities help adults, children, young people and toddlers encounter God.

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Encourage the four pathways of
spiritual expression

Nurture the spirituality of each individual by taking into account the different spiritual styles through which they can come to know and experience God in real, life-changing ways.

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Spiritual styles
(as defined by
David Csinos)

W Word E Emotion
S Symbol A Action

Use music creatively

As well as suggesting hymns and songs linked to the reading(s), we help you use music to set a scene; to aid reflection; to prompt conversation.

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Nurture faith all week

Our brand new ROOTS at home resource encourages everyone to live out their faith every day.

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Discovering God

Practical ideas for informal services and events where the focus is on creating community and a sense of belonging for all ages.

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Registered Charity No. 1097466. Registered Company No. 04346069. Registered in England.
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020 3887 8916
Roots for Churches Ltd
Unit 12, Branbridges Industrial Estate,
East Peckham TN12 5HF
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The ROOTS ecumenical partnership
Bringing together Churches and other Christian organisations since 2002
© Copyright 2002-2023, ROOTS for Churches Ltd. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 2040-4832 and 2635-280X; Online ISSN: 2635-2818. Registered Charity Number: 1097466. Registered Company Number: 04346069. Registered in England.
This resource is taken from and is copyright © 2002-2024 ROOTS for Churches.