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Related Bible reading(s): Genesis 18.1-10a

Hymns and songs

Related to the Bible readings

Titles in italics are particularly suitable for adults or when all ages worship together.

Adoramus te, Domine (Taize)
Ah Lord God    (MP, SOF)
All heaven declares
Be still and know (Iona)    (CH4, WGWG)
Be thou my vision
Blessing and Honour    (BBP)
Bread is blessed and broken    (CG, HON, WGWG)
Bread of life, hope of the world    (CH4, CHE, LAU, SG)
Christ be our light (Longing for light)     (CH4, CG, LAU, TS)
Father, we love you
God’s love is deeper than the deepest ocean
    (CHY, JU, HON, KS)
How firm a foundation    (BPW, HTC, HON, MP)
I reach up high, I touch the ground    (CHY, KS, HON, SOF, TS)
I want to walk with Jesus Christ
I will offer up my life    (CH4, KS, MP, SG, SOF, TS)
I’m going to take a step of faith    (CPR, JP)
Jesus calls us here to meet him    (BPW, CH4, CG, ICF, WGWG)
Jesus shall take the highest honour    (HON, MP, SG, SOF, TS)
Let saints on earth in concert sing    (AMNS, CP, HON, NEH)
Let us praise the Lord our God    (BBP)
Lord of the Church, we pray for our renewing    (BPW, HTC, ICF, MP, SG)
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour
My God, how wonderful thou art
O Christ the same through all our story’s pages    (HON, HTC, ICF, NEH)
O Love divine, how sweet thou art    (AMNS, CP, ICF, NEH)
Praise to the Lord, the almighty
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
Through all the changing scenes of life
To Abraham and Sarah    (RS)
To be in your presence    (HON, MP, SG, SOF, TS)
We are marching in the light of God
Will you come and follow me

(Key to source abbreviations - where no abbreviation is given, the song is in five or more well-known books.)

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