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Resources for Lent and Holy Week 2021

Two resources to help us reflect on the global pandemic and draw strength and inspiration from Jesus' words on the cross.


Here - and there
Reflecting on the global pandemic
in the context of Jesus'
journey to the cross


Lent calendar
Day-by-day reflection
inspired by the last sayings
of Jesus from the cross


Written by Emily Hoe-Crook,
author of Advent resource Now - and then


  • 'Six ‘scenes’ take us through Mark’s account of Jesus’ journey to the cross (chapters 14 and 15). 

  • Each scene makes a connection between ‘here’, our world today, and ‘there’, the world of the Passion narrative.

  • Perfect for adults and young people - as individuals or in groups
  • A calendar for daily reflection and preparation during Lent, inspired by seven of the last sayings of Jesus from the cross.

  • Designed for families of all ages to do together at home.


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