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Numbers 21.4-9; Psalm 107.1-3,17-22; Ephesians 2.1-10; John 3.14-21


Children & Youth

Prepare your session

Tips on preparing this week's sessions for children and young people

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Prepare your children's session

Prepare your young people's session


Prepare your children's session

Childrens Session

Read Bible notes on John 3.14-21

What do you understand ‘eternal life’ to mean? How easily are you able to trust in this promise?

Eternal life may be a difficult concept for children. It might be useful to share with them the words of John 17.3: ‘This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.’ Focus on eternal life in terms of an enduring relationship with God.

Provide the following play materials for very young children throughout the session: a pot of bubbles and bubble wands.

For Mothering Sunday.

Go to for all links, templates and images. 


Prepare your young people's session

Young people Session

Read Bible notes on John 3.14-21

Many items are now designed to be short-lived so we can move on to the latest, fastest model. How does this alter your view of eternity?

How can young people grasp the concept of something eternal in our throw away society? They may struggle with the idea of trusting something or someone to be there for ever. How can we help them trust in the eternal God?

For Mothering Sunday.

Go to for all links, templates and images. 

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