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29 January – 4 February 2023
Walking humbly with your God
Matthew 5.1-12

Jesus draws huge crowds to listen to him. He declares God’s blessing with something of a reversal of fortunes on those who are suffering, and also on those who are merciful, pure in heart and peacemakers.
There are plenty of practical guidelines throughout the Bible on how we should live. To help us to truly ‘walk humbly’ with God, through all that life throws at us, we will need to focus in on what God really requires of us.

This week we explore opportunities for growth in darker times.

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Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Epiphany 4 Year A
Micah 6.1-8; Psalm 15; 1 Corinthians 1.18-31; Matthew 5.1-12
More resources on these readings
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