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Related Bible reading(s): Matthew 5.1-12


Use the activity and prayers to gather the group and introduce the theme

Use the Jump menu on the right to find Prayers and other resources.


All age act of worship Session

Is it good for you?

  • Take a quick survey of who thinks the following are ‘good for you’: taking exercise; eating vegetables; singing; lying in the sunshine;  drinking milk; washing your hands; eating chocolate; stopping at a red traffic light; staying up all night watching TV. A pretty random  list, but one unlikely to have 100 per cent agreement on every item! Ask: Who does things that they know are not good for them?  (Some may be willing to name their bad habits, but there’s no need to force the issue.)
  • In reality, we all do things or make decisions that may not be good for us. We may have little or no option, or it may be a genuine  mistake, but hopefully we learn from such experiences and seek to do things differently next time. In today’s worship we explore this in  relation to our walk with God and, in particular, how our more difficult experiences can be a source of growth.


First impressions

You could also use the image and following questions to help introduce the theme.

Click on the image to view a larger version
or use the Jump menu to go to This week's images.
For artist's details, see this issue's illustrators.



  • What surprisingly beautiful things grow in dark places?
  • Have you experienced growth during or after a difficult experience?
  • How might you support someone who is experiencing a tough time?
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